Reimagining Masculinities




Today, more than ever, we must foster self-reflection about how our masculinities impact organisations, fellow humans, the planet, and our visions of the future. We have created this programme for organisations with care because we believe it is fundamental to create safe spaces for open and honest conversations about masculinity in innovation and leadership.

We know how it feels to struggle with our own masculinities. Men are left alone to figure out how to embody a responsible masculinity.

Across industries, we are working hard towards inclusion and equal opportunities, yet organisations fail to address directly the masculinities that create these issues.

At KOSMICA, we’ve taken a proactive approach by crafting a specialised workshop for leaders and innovators to support the development of responsible masculinities.



The world and our vision of the future have long been shaped in the image of men


In the 1960s, NASA rejected women who aspired to become astronauts on the Moon. Neil Armstrong's "small step for man, giant leap for mankind" marked it as an achievement of men.


Despite increased awareness of gender disparities, women haven't reached the Moon. The world and our vision of the future have been shaped in the image of men.


Today, we must rethink humanity's paradigms and coexistence. Reflecting on masculinity can transform the world into a more responsible, kind, and compassionate place.

What is it?


This programme is designed to create a safe space where we can explore and address important questions


How can we embark on the journey of understanding and healing masculinities? How can we facilitate honest conversations about what it means to be a man? What does responsible masculinity entail? How do we define manhood in today’s world? What’s the impact of unmindful masculinity in leadership and innovation?

To tackle these questions we have designed a programme that aims to create an intimate and supportive environment for exploring masculinity.





Any culture that does not engage in self-reflection and critique runs the risk of becoming toxic over time


In a world where gender imbalances persist, exploring responsible masculinities can help redefine leadership paradigms and promote more inclusive and compassionate environments. It is paramount to examine traditional notions of masculinity, address biases, and challenge harmful gender stereotypes.

We have created this programme with care because we believe it is fundamental to create safe spaces for open and honest conversations about masculinity.

Today, more than ever, we must foster self-reflection about how our masculinities impact organisations, fellow humans, the planet, and our visions of the future.





The recommended duration for this programme is 3 sessions, but it can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each organisation


Through a series of activities, including exercises, shared storytelling, and meditations, we will delve deep into the exploration of masculinities and reflect on how they are constructed and performed in relation to ourselves and others. We will facilitate conversations and encourage self-exploration to better understand what a responsible masculinity is and its impact on our world.

We will examine the relationship between masculinity ideals and their impact on leadership and innovation. By reflecting on how traditional notions of masculinity may influence leadership styles, we will explore ways in which redefining masculinity can contribute to healthier organisational environments.

By the end of the programme, participants will have gained insights, perspectives, and practical strategies to promote responsible masculinity in their personal and professional lives. They will be empowered to become advocates of positive change, contributing to a better understanding of masculinities.

The traditional ideals of leadership have been shaped by the image of masculine power, which has limited the scope for genuine diversity in leadership within organisations.

It is time to create organisational cultures of kindness and responsibility, where men not only create opportunities for others but also do the necessary inner work.

We are with you on this journey!



_ Create a safe space within the organisation for exploring and understanding masculinities.


_ Facilitate honest conversations about masculinity and its impact.


_ Reflect on how traditional notions of masculinity influence leadership.


_ Learn ways to redefine our masculinities.


_ Advocate for positive change towards responsible masculinities.


_ Normalise men’s talk!



This programme can be beneficial for a wide range of people who identify as men, including:

_ Men in leadership positions


_ Innovation teams

_ Human resources and diversity, equity, and inclusion

_ People interested in personal growth and self-awareness

If we want to improve our coexistence with each other, the planet, and beyond, it is crucial to start addressing the impact of our own masculinities.

Become an example of how we can start creating a culture of responsible masculinities with these 3 steps:

1. Schedule a call to learn about you by sending an email to:

2. Receive a tailored programme designed specifically for your needs.

3. Start creating a culture of responsible masculinities in your organisation.


