Nightscapes with Cristina Medellin


19th Oct - 9th Nov 

Online Course



Join us for our new night sky photography course for beginners and lovers of the celestial vault. In this course you will learn and practice the principles of night sky photography: from setting up a camera to capture high-quality images, to digital processing techniques to create natural-looking photos of nighttime landscapes. You'll learn how to use various apps and software to compose your images, as well as calculate your current latitude and plan your shots.


During the lessons we will share techniques, camera settings, image editing advice, and planning strategies for your session. After each lesson, participants will visit their local dark sky spots to capture their images. For those who do not have access to dark locations due to light pollution, no problem! We will show you how to photograph the city skies in a creative and honest way.


This course is also an experience and an invitation to connect with the cosmos. Looking up at the starry night reminds us of the mystery and grandeur that surrounds us. Today, when most people are losing access to starry nights, it is important to gain a new appreciation for our place in the universe and to share these views.


We invite you to embark on this adventure, to become an explorer of the night and share the part of the sky that shelters you.



.Wednesdays from 19 October to 9 November
.130 EUR for students & artists
.150 EUR full price
.4 virtual sessions 1.5 hours per session 5pm CET / 10am CDMX
.Language: English




Bookings are now closed. Subscribe to our newsletter to learn about the future dates of this masterclass in 2023.




.To help you create inspiring images of the night sky

.Share the night landscape from your current latitude

.Develop an artistic approach to photographing the night sky

.Spread awareness of the beauty and importance of the dark sky




Participants should commit to attend 4 online sessions of 1.5 hours each and complete their photographic exercises. They should also be willing to share their photographs during the lessons for discussion and advice. Participants also commit to finding a dark sky near them and developing their practice with care and respect for the nocturnal ecosystem.

The course includes


.4 sessions with Cristina Medellín

.Links to artists, projects, books, videos and apps.



Cristina Medellín (Veracruz, México, 1988)


I am a dancer and audiovisual artist interested in celestial observation, the materiality of light and the relativity of time. My artistic practice focuses on the image as a way to document the dynamics of the universe and the human being, and conceives dance as a ritual exercise of cosmic connections.


Because of its technical implications, my photographic practice involves a combination of light and movement and rigorous patience. Photographing the night sky gives me a greater sense of unity and compassion; observing the cosmos reminds me of the grandeur that surrounds us, as well as the sameness of the circumstances in which we all find ourselves. On the other hand, I like to combine dance and photography in a continuous search for movement, both of the stars and of the human body. Both disciplines have allowed me to dialog with other cultures and document them with deep love and respect.






